Friday, June 11, 2010

Posted by Banquo

The King, our great king has been murdered! Macbeth is the new King. The witches prophecy was right. Macbeth and I are the only ones that know of the witches prophecy. I can only wonder who could of murdered the king, who could of wanted to do such a cruel and nasty thing. King Duncan was such a kind and loving ruler.He had done no wrong for one to haev the evil inside of them to murder him! I can only imaguin who this traitor could be.... There is one name that comes to mind. Macbeth?Could it be? I don't want to believe this but could it be that Macbeth is the murderer, did he so desperately want the crown. I don't know what to believe, I tried confronting him...... Is this the work of the evil of the witches playing with Macbeth's mind? If Macbeth is the King does that mean that it will also be true that my children will be King? My son, will he one day rule? Is this how the words of the three witches will come true?  Is this prophecy also going to come true? These witches...... can they really see the future.... For now I don't know what shall be done, they king's sons are being accused, but i fear differently..... for can it be true that Macbeth so deperately wanted this tittle? Has he not have enough?I worry and fear the worst....... Is Macbeth the Loyal to King Duncan or is he his murderer...... 

 Priya Balakumar


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I am General to the King of Scotland's Army and also thane of Lochquhaber. I have one son named Fleance, I love him dearly.