Thursday, June 10, 2010

Posted by Banquo

Could this possibly be real? Could the prophecy that those three witches predicted be true? It has kept me up all night. I've just met with the witches with Macbeth and they were saying things like, "Hail! Thane Of Cawdor!" and "Hail Macbeth! Thane of Glamis!" Now that I think of it, it could be true because I dreamt of them last night and they have showed me some truth in their words. But why is it that Macbeth doesn't seem to believe them or me?...Or maybe he already knows, but he's just being hypocritical about it. He seemed quite jumpy and nervous when I mentioned my dream to him today. I saw a glow in his eyes as if he was certain that their prophecies were real. One way or another, I'll see what happens once things begin to get suspicious.

Fatima Gentle


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I am General to the King of Scotland's Army and also thane of Lochquhaber. I have one son named Fleance, I love him dearly.