Thursday, June 10, 2010

Posted by Banquo

Today, we were in a great battle and we all fought extremely hard. My body is sore from all the physical labour it took to win that war. At least it was for our great king, Duncan. He a great man, and a great King; no one will ever be able to take his place. After the battle, my colleague, Macbeth, and I were riding away from the battle scene and there we spotted three weird sisters. Actually, I could not tell if they were women or men. They had qualities of both genders. They were like the devil’s minions; with those horrid faces. They had such great long beards; it was out of this world. I think they were witches because they told us about the future, yes the future! Firstly they said: “Hail Macbeth! Thane of Glamis!” We already knew this piece of information because the title of Thane of Glamis was his father’s title, until he passed away, that is when Macbeth received this title. The second sister said: “Hail Thane of Cawdor!” Thane of Cawdor lived; this description was very inappropriate; Macbeth cannot inherit that title, nor has he done anything to steal that title away from the thane of Cawdor. The third sister also gave Macbeth a different description. She said: “Hail King who shall`t be hereafter!” This was the most appalling comment that they had made. Scotland has a king. A kind, and noble King, who we shall never betray, so why did she say such a comment? Was she truly telling the future? My curiosity grew, so I asked them what they see in my future. They told me that I would have kings, but I would not become one. To know that your child is to become king; the greatest news a father can here, but, will I be with him to enjoy that moment? That is a question that will be answered as time moves by. Truthfully, I did not believe these witches, but then, as we were riding away, we heard the news that Macbeth has been called upon to be named the Thane of Cawdor! Body and mind overcame with shock. These witches told the truth; Macbeth is the Thane of Cawdor, but if that was true, is their other prediction true as well? Will Macbeth become King? The only way for Macbeth to become king is by murdering the King. Oh such a sight, I will not be able to bear it. No, Macbeth would not do that, he just finished fighting for the King, he would not throw that loyalty away, would he?

Raksha Manoharan


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I am General to the King of Scotland's Army and also thane of Lochquhaber. I have one son named Fleance, I love him dearly.